For many years we have been growing Perpetual Spinach throughout the summer, taking a pair shears to harvest a row of leaves, then preparing them for freezing in portions for our freezer. We can then conveniently defrost and add the spinach to soups, curries and pies in the winter months. This year we had an amazing crop due in part to growing the crop in a little shade. If spinach gets too much sunshine and heat, it will bolt and your hard work sowing the seeds in spring will go to waste. Spinach was bought to Europe by the Arabs in the late Middle Ages replacing sorrel, amaranth and orache as a staple reliable green leaf in the kitchen, because of its rapid growth & flavour. It is best cooked quickly. I prefer steaming using only the water clinging to its leaves after washing. Spinach can also make a quick and simple sauce by adding a small tub of crème fraiche to the wilted leaves and a crumbled vegetable stock cube. Mix with cooked pasta and serve with some parmesan cheese on top.

1 onion, chopped
1 chilli, diced with or without seeds to your taste
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 inch thumbnail of fresh ginger, skin peeled and chopped finely
1 Tbsp Ground coriander
2 Tbsp Ground Cumin
1 Tbsp Garam Masala
2 Tbsp Tomato puree
1 tsp salt
1 x 400g can of chick peas
1 x 400g can of chopped tomatoes
1 x 400g Coconut milk
Spinach 250g more or less, washed & roughly chopped
Warm a little oil in a large pan on the hob and fry off the first four ingredients until softened – about 3 – 4 minutes.
Next, add all of the spices and fry for 1 min, stirring to ensure they do not burn and until they release a little of their aroma
Then, add everything else to the pan EXCEPT the spinach. Stir and simmer for 5 - 7 mins
Finally add the spinach about a minutes or so before serving, stir in, allow it to wilt down and warm up then serve your delicious curry. Suitable for Vegans.