Cheese & Wine
Tasting Evening
Fri 31 Jan 2015
Save the Date!
Fovant Village Hall
6pm - 8.30pm
Carefully chosen wine and fantastic cheeses. All welcome.
Bring Your Own...
Beverage of choice,
A glass to drink it from,
Your choice of nibbles
& be ready to socialise with your friends from the village from
6 - 8pm
Fri 7 Feb
Fovant Village Hall
£1 Entry pp

Community Police Drop In
Fri 24 Jan 5 - 7pm
Waterside Youth Club
ALL Welcome
Dr Kinlin's Focus Session
End of Life Care
@Fovant Village Hall
23 Jan 4pm
What is Palliative Care?
Your questions answered
Rubbish Collection
over Christmas
Check Here by entering your postcode. A chart will display general, recycling and garden waste collection over Xmas
Wed 8 Jan 6.30 Lingerie & Swimwear
Fovant Village Hall
Thur 13 Feb 10am
Garden talk with coffee & cake
Wilton Garden Centre
Wed 12 March 6.30pm
Art Workshop
Fovant Village Hall
Wed 7 May
Day outing to Athelhampton House.
Arts & Crafts Group
@ Waterside Youth Club
Every other Monday 2- 4pm.
Next session 13 Jan 2025
Bring along a current project; knitting, painting, drawing, patchwork, sewing & work alongside fellow enthusiasts.
Pop Up Market
'Sale of Sales'
Fri 31 Jan
Coombe Bisset Village Hall SP5 4LU
10am - 3pm
Admission £4
Winter Words by Candlight
17 Jan
Salisbury Cathedral
A concert by candleight centred around Benjamin Britten's 'Winter Words'.
More Info
Transport Plan Consultation
We are holding a consultation on our local transport plan (LTP4) from Thursday 28 November 2024 until 23:59 on Friday 24 January 2025.
To enable communities to find out more, we’re holding an online engagement event on:
Mon 13 Jan 2025, 6-7pm
Please sign up for these online events to HAVE YOUR SAY.
To sign up & find out more, go to: Wiltshire Local Transport Plan
Kind regards
Catherine Pearcey
Area Boards Support Officer
Leisure, Culture and Communities
Tel: 01225 718685
Winterfest Beer Festival
24 -25 Jan
Salisbury Guildhall
Find a new favourite drink! 24 Cask beers and 4 real ciders available.
More Info
What's On in Salisbury?
Live Music
Family Trails
Photography Exhibitions
Click Here
St George’s 50/50 Lottery Club
The winning numbers in the December Lottery draw are:-
£35 54
£20 16
£15 139
Many thanks for your support. The number of shares sold this year were more than last year, so we are pleased that we have been able to increase the prize money.
Liz Daw 714362 and​
Fovant History Interest Group
If you would like to learn more about the history of your village...consider purchasing the excellent publication
'Fovant History'
written & researched by members of FHIG
​ for only £5​
if you would like obtain one.

Saturday 1 Feb
Can you spare a little time on the first Saturday of the month?
Meet @ 8.45 am - 10 am to tidy the Churchyard in Fovant.
Contact: Blair Agnew 714414 or just turn up
Church Newsletter
Revd Joanna Naish

Clay's Orchard PROMPT on
13.50- 14.10
4 Feb

Crowdfunding Campaign for Tisbury Croquet club
We have raised £25,000 in the last year to repair and restore the building and the lawn and we just need to the final £5,000 to complete the project. We urgently need support as the campaign has only another four weeks to run. We are doing well so far with over 40% raised but we would very much like to reach our target.
Fovant Bus Timetable to and from Salisbury
Weekdays - Leaving from Fovant High Street
7.50 (No 27) 9.15 (No 27) 10.04 ( No 26) 10.55 (No 26) 12.55 (No 26)
Returning from Salisbury (outside M&S) to Fovant
10.40 (No 26) 12.40 (No 26) 14.15 ( No 26) 17.12 ( No 27) 18.23 ( No 27)
To Salisbury - 7.52 ( No 26A) 9.56 ( No 26) 12.05 ( No 26) 14.55 ( No 26)
To Fovant - 12.55 ( No 26) 15.00 ( No 26) 16.40 ( No 26) 17.50 ( No 26A)
Sundays - NO service
Just £4 return for an Adult
Police Beat Officer
Neighbourhood Team
PC Georgina Russell
PCSO Stew Hunt -
Warminster Police Station, The Avenue, Warminster
101 Ext 32320
DD 01225 256636

Yoga Classes
@ Village Hall
Tuesdays 6 - 7pm
7 - 8pm
Come along
Be Refreshed
£10 per session

Whilst we are all aware of our rural setting and that bonfires are part of country life, respiratory illness in all generations is a growing trend, with bonfires causing exacerbation in diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructed airways.
Please could we ask that if you’re considering having a bonfire, you resist lighting it until after dusk when most residents will have closed windows and doors.
Your kind cooperation would be gratefully appreciated.
Fovant Parish Council

Every Friday
12:30 to 2:30
Wilton Community Centre
2 Feb onwards
Open for tea/coffee, a listening ear and a warm discreet space as well as accepting food bank vouchers

@ Village Hall
10am - 11am
£12 per session

3.30 - 5pm
ALL 5 - 11 year olds WELCOME.
Great range of activities and crafts for young people in the village.
If you are a parent and/or would like to volunteer, the youth club would be very pleased to hear from you.
Contact Julie Wallis

Saturday Morning Breakfast in
Village Hall
Our ever popular Village breakfasts! Eat in or Takeaway. From 9am - 11am in the Village Hall

Tap Class
Village Hall
Come along and join in with our very friendly and inclusive class which meets weekly.

at St George's Church, Fovant
At last! The work on the organ is beginning after such a long wait, during which it has enjoyed making some very peculiar noises and occasionally having a mind of its own. We think there has only been one overhaul in all the 98 years it has been working so it will be great not to have organists politely indicating that we should be doing something about it!
Although many people and organisations have been very generous and we are enormously grateful, we shall still have to make up the final part of the funds needed from savings, so if anyone feels they would like to contribute “PCC Fovant” would welcome a contribution.
Account No: 02981591, sort code 30-97-41, reference Organ Fund.
There is something pretty special about the sound of a good organ in a Church so let us look forward to that day when all is back together again without the dust and bat droppings!
Felicity Pinder