Proud of Our Past
Enriched by our Natural Environment
Enjoying Life in our Community
Health & Well Being
In the aftermath of the pandemic and the 'Fovant Neighbourhood Warmth' Initiative, we have all become more conscious of our own health & well being as well as supporting our community.
In November of 2022 Dr Kinlin from the Spring Orchard Surgery, began her weekly informal drop sessions on Thursdays at the Surgery offering an opportunity to talk and ask questions about health related matters. Very soon the idea of monthly focus sessions evolved and the topics, resources and helpful support suggested during these are now being shared & recorded here for everyone in the village to use.
The focus sessions take place in the Village Hall on the fourth Thursday of the month from 4 - 5pm.
December 2022- Blood pressure
January 2023- Pain Management
February 2023 - Nutrition
March 2023- Defibrillator Training - Powerpont & Suggested CPR related resources​​​​
The Defibrillator training hosted by Dr Kinlin at the Village Hall in March was not only well attended but also resulted in some requests for further resources and information. Please find these very useful links below and also check the 999 protocols relating to public access Defibrillators (AEDs) see text below.
How & When to Use a Defibrillator -British Heart Foundation
Learn CPR in 15 minutes | RevivR | BHF - BHF
Also – supplier of pocket masks (£6.84 including VAT)
St John Ambulance Res-Cue Mask in Green Case | St John Ambulance (sja.org.uk.
Or Amazon offer – (£6.30 with free delivery)
HypaGuard Pocket CPR Face Mask for Resuscitation : Amazon.co.uk: Health & Personal Care
Dr Kinlin also spoke about forms that you can fill in to express your wishes about resuscitation and end-of-life care. If you would like more information about this please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment.
Tony Phillips has since approached the South Western Ambulance Service to check the 999 protocols relating to Defibrillators (AEDs). The advisory distance to the nearest AED has been extended to 400 meters.
When a 999 call is made, and passed to the ambulance service:
a) The ambulance service call taker triages the call to determine the call category (seriousness) so that an appropriate response can be made – this would include whether the patient could benefit from an AED – Automated External Defibrillator, also called a Defibrillator.
b) The information placed on The Circuit by the local Guardian about the location and availability of a public AED is available to this Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). [In Fovant, the Parish Council acts as the Guardian for the public access AED outside the Village Hall; checks it regularly and confirms to The Circuit]
c) The category of call will determine whether an AED is needed and if one is near and available the 999 caller with be given this information (including the cabinet access code if there is one).
The distance now determined by the Circuit is currently 400 meters. Travel by car is not “encouraged” as this could impact on road safety, but the ambulance service cannot prevent someone from going by car, if they choose to.
April 2023- Dementia
May (1) 2023- Mum's Toddlers Extra
May (2) 2023- PSA Testing for Prostate Cancer
Nov 2023 - Respiratory Ailments
Dec 2023 - Out of Hours
Jan 2024 - Heart Problems - Physical
Feb 2024 Asthma & Lung Conditions COPD
March 2024- Heart Problems - Emotional
April 2024- SEPSIS -see resources shared below.