Proud of Our Past
Enriched by our Natural Environment
Enjoying Life in our Community
Fovant Network
The Fovant Network
What is it you might well be asking? Here is your answer!
The Fovant Network came into being to share knowledge, experience and resources between village groups, supporting their ability to provide facilities and activities for all age groups. In doing so to ensure that Fovant is a village having something to offer everyone who lives here.
The groups that are currently involved in the Network are Fovant Badges Society, Fovant Village Hall, Spring Orchard Surgery, Fovant Parish Council, Fovant Community Support Group, Fovant Youth Club, St George’s Church, Fovant Relief in Need, and Fovant Independent Ladies. Other groups are interested in the network’s discussions too.
Where did the idea for the Fovant Network come from?
It started on the back of a comment from the hub leaders involved in the fantastic work of the Fovant Community Support Group. There was a sense in this group of the value in having a legacy from the FCSG activities, something that built on the connections made as we all worked to support each other during the various lockdown periods (and beyond).
This led to an illustration of the various associations within the village, capturing them in a picture like a constellation and inviting them to think of questions that they might address together as a group. Interest built leading to some virtual meetings of representatives from the above groups in early 2021.
What has the Fovant Network done?
In some regards the Fovant Network was the springboard for the village website you are reading now. The membership of the network all supported the idea of a website and where prepared to step up and create content and here we are!
What will the Fovant Network do?
The Fovant Network exists to ensure that the collective wisdom and experience across the village can be bought to bear on project work of interest to villagers. It does not meet for the sake of it but is available to convene should there be a project that would benefit from the group's input so that it is stronger than the sum of its parts. For Harry Potter fans you might think of the Fovant Network as the Hogwarts ‘Room of Requirement’; something that comes into being when there is a need!
If you have a project that might benefit from the Fovant Network please do get in touch with its convenor, Dr Jeremy Hinks Jeremy.d.hinks@gmail.com
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