Proud of Our Past
Enriched by our Natural Environment
Enjoying Life in our Community
Doctors - Spring Orchard Surgery

We are extremely lucky to have the convenience of a doctors' surgery in our village providing excellent care and a prescription service. The Spring Orchard Surgery is one of four surgeries making up the Orchard Practice.
They function as four individual units providing select personal care to families. As a larger cohesive group of surgeries they provide up to date comprehensive facilities. They can also share their individual expertise as clinicians, leading to a higher standard of care. They are highly active within the Primary Care Network, to co-ordinate and improve local services.
Mission Statement
"We aim to provide comprehensive, caring family medicine of the best quality to all our patients in a friendly and confidential environment."
Opening Hours
Contact the surgery by telephone between 08:00 and 18:30 Monday to Friday and we can then arrange a Face to Face review as needed. Please note that whilst the building itself may be closed during some parts of the day, this telephone service is always available.
PLEASE NOTE - As from 10 Oct the Tuesday evening opening has changed to THURSDAY.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Dispensary Opening Hours
The dispensary will be open 08:30-12:00 and then 17:00-18:30 on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
Out of Hours Service
Call 999 in an emergency or 111 if not.

RESOURCES from latest Focus Group Session on 'Understanding the Defibrillator March 2023
The Defibrillator training hosted by Dr Kinlin at the Village Hall in March was not only well attended but also resulted in some requests for further resources and information. Please find these very useful links below.
Learn CPR in 15 minutes | RevivR | BHF - BHF
Also – supplier of pocket masks (£6.84 including VAT)
St John Ambulance Res-Cue Mask in Green Case | St John Ambulance (sja.org.uk.
Or Amazon offer – (£6.30 with free delivery)
HypaGuard Pocket CPR Face Mask for Resuscitation : Amazon.co.uk: Health & Personal Care
Our Local Fovant Dispensary